Posted: 01/30/202413,952 Views

International travel continues to increase in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and some of the world’s most famous cities are seeing record numbers of international arrivals. International consulting firm Euromonitor keeps track of international arrivals by measuring how many international travelers spend at least 24 hours in a city. According to their most recent numbers from 2022, these are the most popular cities in the world to visit.

  1. Paris, France – 29,262,700 international arrivals in 2022
    With attractions like the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the Palace of Versailles, is there any wonder why Paris is popular? The world’s most romantic city is a cornucopia of famous attractions, and the upcoming 2024 Summer Olympics should only add to its record-breaking tourist numbers.

  2. Dubai, United Arab Emirates - 19,377,500 international arrivals in 2022
    Only one city is home to both the world’s tallest building and the world’s most luxurious hotel – Dubai. Over the past 20 years Dubai has emerged as one of the top tourist destinations on the globe due to its incredible investment in posh, high-end infrastructure. For nonstop entertainment, Dubai is hard to beat.

  3. Madrid, Spain - 19,233,000 international arrivals in 2022
    Pleasant weather year-round, gorgeous parks and squares, and incredible architecture and culture makes Madrid a prime holiday spot for those from Europe and beyond. Relax at Plaza Mayor, study fine art at the Prado Museum, or visit the Royal Palace of Madrid. You’re sure to fall in love with Madrid.

  4. Tokyo, Japan - 18,931,400 international arrivals in 2022
    The biggest metropolitan area in the world boasts awe-inspiring skyscrapers, historic temples, and even its own Disneyland. The vast majority of international trips to Japan most certainly include Tokyo. And with so much to do, it’s easy to see why. You could spend a lifetime exploring this massive, fascinating city and not see it all. 

  5. Amsterdam, Netherlands - 18,551,200 international arrivals in 2022
    Without a doubt, Amsterdam is unique. The city’s cycling-friendly infrastructure and carefree attitude towards the activities of tourists has long made it a beacon for visitors from abroad. However, Amsterdam is just as a great a destination for history buffs and concertgoers as it is partyers and adventurers. There’s something for everyone here.

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